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Special Area of Conservation: Ecosystems, microclimate and habitat in the Tassaro river valley

Some explanations regarding the ecology of the Special Conservation Area (SAC), of the Site of Community Importance (SCI) of the Rio ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local fauna, Local flora, Nature, Tassaro Valley

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The insects of the Tassaro valley

Val Tassaro is populated by a large number of insects, belonging to numerous species. The particular environmental conditions lead us to believe that this population is ...

Bees, Blog in English, Ecological, Local fauna, Tassaro Valley

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The various types of trees in the Tassaro valley

A fun way to better recognize trees during a nice walk in Val ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local flora, Nature, Tassaro Valley

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The mammals of the Tassaro valley

The fauna of the Tassaro river valley area is very varied: the multiplicity of habitats present in the area, in fact, create favorable conditions for the survival of a great variety of animal forms. The territory of Val ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local fauna, Tassaro Valley

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The mushrooms of the Tassaro valley

This is a collection of photos of mushrooms present in the Tassaro ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local flora, Nature, Tassaro Valley, Touristic info

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The flowerings of the Tassaro valley

Val Tassaro has the flowering fauna typical of the middle Apennines. The thing that makes this valley special is that this biodiversity occurs over a relatively small ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local flora, Nature, Tassaro Valley

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The birds of the Tassaro valley

The avifauna of the Val Tassaro area includes numerous species; the most represented classes are those of Galliformes, Columbiformes, Cucculiformes, Caprimugiliformes, Mugiliformes, Apodiformes, Coraciformes, Passeriformes, ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Local fauna, Tassaro Valley

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Whole wheat bread

In order to have a healthier and more natural diet, we were searching for organic wheat grains that we could grind at a mill, so that the flour would retain all its best ...

Blog in English, Ecological

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Solar food dryer – Self-made

This is the solar food dryer that I made a few years ago. Solar food drying is probably the most ecological way of food ...

Blog in English, Ecological, Permaculture, Veggie garden